Aviva Angel

Aviva Angel is a corporate executive who moved to San Diego from NYC.  She is the founder of Urban Kibbutz, a Jewish intentional community in San Diego. Aviva brings her passion for the community and Jewish life to her work.  Living together, the community will be comprised of about 30 residential units, with shared common areas. The community will enjoy communal dinner nightly and celebrate Jewish holidays and customs together.

Aviva’s Projects – Get the Details

Urban Kibbutz SD
HaZamir Choral SD

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Is there More?  Aviva is a Board member of Ohr Shalom Synagogue.  Aviva partners with Moishe House for planning and outreach and OneTable for Shabbat dinners.

Check out Aviva’s 1 minute Video pitch @ the Jewish Community Hackathon 2017