Startup18 and the “Lab”

Startup18 programs are designed to support independent Jewish and Israeli community builders offering activities that educate, build community and strengthen Jewish identity. Our door is open to Jewish innovators. We encourage you to take the first step. We will do everything we can to help you succeed.

The “Lab” provides a network for support, workshops, and peer review.  Fiscal sponsorship is available for those who need it. The Lab meets quarterly. Meetings are open to the community.

Apply to be a Lab Project

Other helpful resources for nonprofit projects:

NY based legal support, with cohort offered annually of 5 hrs free legal counsel. Good Counsel

San Diego based nonprofit legal support:  Henderson, Caverly & Pum LLP

Fellowships offer Jewish community builders training and a community to learn with. There are no fellowships currently offered.

Learn more about past fellowships including the Jewish Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness fellowship  with training from the Institute for Jewish Spirituality

Learn more about and register for the Songleader Boot Camp offered in Spring 2019 in collaboration with Rich Recht’s Song Leader Boot Camp

Learn more about the Teen Song Leader Fellowship that inspired the next generation of song leaders. Jewish Educator Awards were offered in collaboration with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation to celebrate the work of innovative independent (i.e. not institution based) local educators.


They have helped to introduce me to more of the Jewish community in San Diego

Valuable resource, with ongoing encouragement and willingness to work one-on-one

I connected to an amazing group of Jewish innovators

I gained a better understanding of the local Jewish landscape